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10 Ways To Cleanse Your Aura

Keep your aura clean by removing negative energies that can obscure your vision and limit your intuitive abilities. There are a lot of different energies floating around and even for the most spiritually awakened person, it is easy to become drained, muddied, or mired with a million outside influences. You can keep yourself leaping high by incorporating aura cleansing into your self-care regimen. Here are ten ways to do so.

Plunge into Water

Plunging into water is one of the easiest ways to cleanse your aura. Lakes, streams, and oceans cleanse the body and the soul physically and emotionally. Nature’s water allows you to bathe your aura and to neutralize negativity.

Carry Crystals

Crystals are incredibly powerful tools that can cleanse your aura and commit you to your overall spiritual health and wellbeing. The best crystals for aura cleansing are Amethyst, Moonstone, Blue Lace Agate, Lepidolite, and general chakra bracelets. Choose crystals that have a calming and neutralizing effect.

Smudge Your Soul

You can smudge negative energy from your home and your crystals, but you can also do it from your soul and your aura. Sage, Juniper, and Lavender are three of the best herbs to use for smudging. Light your stick, breathe deeply and start wafting over the body inch by inch, visualizing all of the negative energy ebbing away.

Soak Up Sunlight

You can also neutralize negative energy by stepping out into bright, warm sunlight. Sunlight has natural healing powers, and its cleansing, pure light can easily wash away the darker thoughts of the day.

Mentally Cleanse

Sit quietly for five minutes and practice some gentle breathing exercises. Imagine bringing clean, fresh air into your body with each inhale and releasing the negative swirl of emotions with each exhale. IMAGINE a bright white light surrounding you, blocking out the darkness, and keeping your aura sparkling with clarity.

Give Yourself to Nature

Sometimes, all we need to do in life is walk into the hills. Getting back to nature – a beach, a forest, mountains – can be incredibly healing for the soul whether it is a long walk or a quick stroll. Let the bird song, the fresh air and the light clear your mind of the pollution of the modern world, allowing you to reconnect to the more primal senses once again.


Meditation and visualization are powerful tools for clearing away negative energy. Meditation can also serve as a preventative method, as a regular practice will keep the bad vibes at bay. Whether you have five minutes or five hours, take time to sit, clear your mind, and cleanse yourself through meditation.

Take a Healing Bath

If you don’t live near any wild swimming spots, you can still use water to cleanse your soul. Take a healing bath filled with essential oils, healing herbs, and even flowers to bring about a natural cleansing. Auras can be cleansed with rose petals, lavender oils, and Himalayan sea salts.

Practice Self Love

When you practice self-love constantly, you stay soft and nurtured regardless of what negative energies are swirling around. Affirmations, visualizations, changing your inner dialogue, and working with crystals are all ways to weave more self-love into your life.

Look to Your Surroundings

Consider your surroundings and choose to spend time with people who bring light and energy into your world if you want to keep your aura clean and clear. The chances are that you will find it more difficult to keep your aura clean if you are surrounded by negative and draining environments.