Manifestation is a constant process for us. Intentionally or unintentionally. Good or bad. You have manifested all the circumstances, lessons, and experiences in your life. Everything you have in your life comes from a thought, a belief, or an action that originated from you and, in turn, created the world you live in now. This is the law of the Universe. You have been making a 911 call to the super-responsive Universe you live in, which has been serving up whatever it is that you believe you deserve or want to experience in order to heal and grow.
Let’s discuss how to manifest like a pro.
1. Clearly define what you want, and be as specific as possible.
We will use a relationship as an example throughout these steps. Focus on the qualities you desire in your partner (e.g. kind, sexy, smart), as well as how being in that relationship will make you feel (e.g. loved, safe, special). Now is a great time to start writing a list. Manifesting involves transforming a theoretical concept into something tangible. Putting it into words helps you understand what you really want and sends a crystal-clear memo to the quantum field, where all possibilities are possible.
2. Align your belief system with what you are trying to achieve.
Don’t let your beliefs conflict with your goals. What part of you likes the bad-boy drama or feels unworthy of love and emotional availability? Be aware of the discrepancy within you, and be clear with yourself that you are now ready for a new experience in terms of love and partnership.
Affirm this daily to yourself through affirmations such as: “I am ready for a big love story in my life and I am letting go of everything that does not resonate with love, healing, compatibility, and deep intimacy.” This is where you meet the Universe halfway.
3. Know that you’re worthy.
Remind yourself of all the good you already have and all the good you already are. From a place of wholeness and worthiness, not from a place of lack and need. The Universe loves and supports you. Connect with it. Quiet yourself. Meditation or conscious breathing will put you in a state of presence, so you’re focused and focused on what you’re doing, to the exclusion of everything else.
4. Imagine it on your Mind’s inner screen.
Take a moment to visualize all the glorious details of your relationship—laughing, holding hands, making dinner together, or walking the beach together—whatever represents the essence of relationship bliss for you. It is important to add as many details to the vision as possible: sights, sounds, smells, and feelings. Feel the joy of that connection, the freedom, safety, and love that you have with that person. Imagine how this connection makes you feel. Asking for “tall, dark, and handsome” might bring you a gorgeous jerk again, if you get caught up in physical details. Keep in mind the quality of your relationship and the depth of your emotions.
5. You will then feel an inner knowing that it is heading your way.
Feel in your bones that what you just experienced in the visioning is coming. Allow yourself to let go of knowing how and when it will arrive. Because you now know for certain it is indeed coming, you can now let go of the obsession of wanting it and the restlessness of needing it. Thank you for what’s on its way to you. Let go of trying to control or manage the details surrounding it. All of it is surrendered to the intelligent Universe that knows you and knows how to deliver it at the right time.
6. And then repeat all the above steps daily.
Breathe. Get centered. Conjure the vision with all its visceral details. Feel all the powerful feelings it evokes in you, then express gratitude for it, knowing it’s coming. And then let it go to the Universe to do its thang.
7. Take action steps in your day-to-day life around it.
This is another way to meet the Universe halfway while doing your part. Sticking with the relationship analogy, stop dating people who don’t align with what you’re manifesting. If you’re afraid of being alone, break up with the person you’re staying with. Take that leap of faith that proves you believe it’s real. Then take positive steps like joining a dating app or going out to places where the Universe can deliver him/her to you. This is called doing the groundwork.
If the mind goes back over the desire and the ego wants to get it done on its own, shift out of that mindset. You are manifesting energetically through the quantum field, rather than through self-will. Raise your vibration. You can keep doing affirmations or reading your list to remind yourself that what you know is finding its way to you.
Just remember: you are always manifesting. Whether you like it or not. This is the Law of Attraction in action. What you think about often, you attract. It would be wise to create on purpose. For the highest good. In the true sense of the word. Keep in mind that you can manifest anything: people, places, things, your evolution, healing, or circumstances. Material or metaphysical manifestations are both possible. You are the master more manifest, you get to decide what you want. Take action.
Tarannum Yogesh Dobriyal