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Tarannum Yogesh Dobriyal on Intuitive Decision making in Leadership

We think of intelligence as a deliberate, conscious activity guided by the laws of logic. Yet much of our mental activity is unconscious. Gut Feelings – Gerd Gigernzer.

Some may call it insight. But it’s one’s Intuition. Many say it is just a hunch, but it should be termed as Heuristic. Most people still think in today’s time and age that intuition is for a gifted few and cannot be harnessed.

While many believe that decision making is learned. However, most of our lives are about decision making. Many might be perturbed when it is called Intuition.

Some say it is simple logic. But is it simple to ask your brain to be uncreative or to be not thinking about how to resolve a problem?

That is not in the sphere of control right weather it’s us or anyone. The brain is constantly analyzing and using shortcuts that it has known since a very young age to make decisions.The way someone decides in present time is how he must have made it 20yrs ago. Just that he feels that he has evolved.

While working with business owners and corporates throughout the past 20yrs years in different capacities, I came to the realization that there was a common phrase within all the conversations about leadership development, company culture, and innovation etc.

This is often termed as “something within.” But eventually it is realized and called simple hunch or intuition that certain business owners and managers feel. That very trait helped them with breakthroughs. And that separated them from the rest.

What business leaders who are comfortable within themselves and are trustful of themselves and others are better equipped to handle and manage crisis situations by using their unconscious intelligence and are also able to navigate life’s tough conscious decisions.

Many think that intuitive abilities are restricted to a privileged few. Many even hesitate before confirming that they have it, as if it were external distractions of life.

But off late science has proved that Gut feelings or instincts are part of the entire scheme of things. It has recognized that these feelings or creative brain could not be a separate process, rather it is seen as a merger of the subjective and objective analysis within the brain parameters as combined. This not only helps breakthrough in leadership as it enhances the think tank process and hence thinking workshops based on NLP or Thinking design programs work better as it teaches Leaders and employees lead better with their intuitive   mind rather than just reasoning.

Moreover, many organizations have also realized that one cannot separate feelings from the humans, as humans are not living in a disconnected world. Instead, we are the integrators of rational and emotional mind. Many organizations when they work on EQ and SQ, they get better results in terms productivity.

Hence, more and more companies are growing to understand that Gut feel of Intuition is not just about quick impulsiveness rather it is based on a deeper integrated processing of the creative mind, which one cannot just shut off when he is thinking. It is part of the brain’s processing system.

Hence, getting out the intuitive skills honed and rather getting it sharpened and using it to bring radical changes in one’s life should be the aim. And even for that to grow one need to enhance his conscious awareness to distinguish between logic and intuition. Creating a simple heuristic system to enhance deep decisions by cultivating self-trust and belief is the key here. After all self-belief and self-trust can take us humans a long way.

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