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5 Manifestation Mistakes You Might Be Making While Manifesting Business

There is no chill in the law of attraction.

Honestly, I mean it.

Make sure you put out positive vibes, okay? So you get positive vibes in return!

Now I’m not one to scaremonger that if you think ONE tiny negative thought your whole life will come crashing down (that’s just not my vibe!)…

But I strongly believe that the higher the frequency you vibrate on, the more likely you are to attract the things you want, and the lower the frequency you vibrate on, the more likely you are to attract the things you don’t want.

Do you feel me?

Being the owner of a six-figure business based on soul, I have a unique perspective on combining woo with work. If you want to learn what not to do, then read on to learn the 5 manifestation mistakes you might be making…

…before you take the quantum leap into your dream life!


In a restaurant, you don’t expect the waiter to bring you your meal without first placing your order, do you? So why should life be any different? If the Universe doesn’t know what you want, it can’t give it to you…

Make sure you tell it, girl, so make sure to give it a helping hand!

Except – don’t keep asking over and over. I understand. The damn thing is important to you. However, if you ask 100 times, your energy is not that of abundance (which would put you in a position to receive), but that of lack (which would not).

 The Universe and you are turned off by desperation. She heard you loud and clear the first time!


When it comes to manifestation, there is no limit. We humans seem to think that ‘big’ things like our dream business are harder to manifest than ‘small’ things such as a cup of coffee…

I’ll let you in on a little secret. It’s not true! It doesn’t work that way. 

What you believe you can have, you attract. Therefore, the only thing standing between you and an all-expenses-paid vacation to Bora Bora in an overwater villa with your soulmate and a booming business you can work on anywhere there is wifi is doubt, baby girl.


You want a new wardrobe, but your hanging rail is groaning under the weight of all your old clothes.

You want a meaningful relationship, but you spend three nights a week with the bad boy you should have kicked out years ago.

You want to run your own business, but…

Can you see where I’m going with this?

You need to get rid of the old to make room for the new, girlfriend. Whatever it is you want to manifest, be sure to make space for it RIGHT NOW!

It’s about ‘acting as if,’ don’t you think? Law of attraction technique that works every time! When you want to be fully booked, arrange the time with the girls outside of office hours not during them. If you want to be wealthy, don’t watch your bank balance every day and the price tags on everything, afraid to part with your pennies for fear they might not return. Trust that what you put out into the world will come back to you.

Take the quantum leap into the version of yourself that already has what you want. Act exactly as she does!


The question is, how does the Universe bring you a business? IT ISN’T YOUR BUSINESS!

How your manifestation manifests is not up to you. It’s up to the Universe…

So let’s stop getting all up in its business, okay? Remind yourself that you are a co-creator, not the only one.


Don’t give up five minutes before the miracle! 

It might also mean that something better is on its way. Perhaps something that will serve the greater good. Hence, trust that the Universe will either bring you ‘this or something better…

As long as you’re on the same page. It is after all the law!


Tarannum Yogesh Dobriyal